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Save Console

So its been a long while since I've posted here, over year I think. Oh well better late then never. So I got a job as environment artist (yay) and its coming up to a year after I gained employment, so I've mainly been sitting back from any personal projects but now I think its time to jump back into it and start making some more cool shit.

Like this "Save Console" I made ( , Using Simon Fuch's military radio tutorial. This project been a blast but also an absolute nightmare. Although I found the tutorial very interesting and I definitely learnt a lot from it, I feel like for hard surface Its best not to use zbrush, unless carving in some specific details such as damage or wear and tear. But many of the boolean processes he uses I can imagine using in upcoming projects, and to make a base shape, it works amazing. Its quick and easy.

I'm happy with the result I had, a few gripes but when isn't there any. Like I thought little about the dials and plug sockets on the machine so when it came to texturing, doing them within the normal map makes them look to flat, but hopefully, the idea of the model means you won't be close enough to see. Also the screen material is a bit basic but I couldn't fin a good example or tutorial how to get a realistic looking screen so in the end I just had a very basic one because after working on this for months I just wanted to get it up.

Overall, could of done better, if I had just thought and ahead and spent more time planning smaller details instead of imagining the big picture then jumping straight in. I should got the big picture, blocked it out then looked at each smaller detail and blocked it out fully before heading forward with it. Anyway it's done now and i'm still happy with the result.

Hopefully, wont be as long till my next update.

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