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So the first project of the third year is finally done, and to be honestly I'm really glad with the outcome. There are a few things i would like to change and improve, however due to the time frame I'm just going to start the next project. I would like to add the details that are in the concepts such as the stickers but i will go back to the karts in the final week if i have time

Overall, this project was enjoyable and and not too stressful due to its low poly basic nature, I'm glad I choose this one first as it was more of starter project to ease into third year. Now, I'm going for it and starting a whole environment! I'm excited but nervous cause i know the amount of work that it entails but hey its not as fun if there isn't a challenge right?

Anyway, here are my final karts and i hope the look alright, I like them, and I think I've learnt a lot this project such as the importance of planning and organisation; something i made sure i did properly this project and it helped immensely.

I would recommend going to my Art Station to see this project.

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