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This project was difficult... and I dunno why. I just didn't know how to make some of the assets; such as the leaves ( which I don't like ), the rocks ( which I like ) and grass ( which I am unsure ). But overall I'm glad how this turned out, really because I was worried this wouldn't turn out well cause of some setbacks in the second week. However, I manage to get around them and i happy with the result. I changed quite a few aspects, specially the crystals and the snow, A tutor said that the design without snow is more visually interesting, so that's what I did, I could add a blanket of snow later if needed. Also the wooden platform changed because the rope bridge I wasn't happy with I couldn't get it to look good so changed the design to floating planks, and finally the crystals was just because I thought it looked good. To be honest I'm glad how it turned out.

I did most the natural assets in Zbrush and the hard edge assets in 3DsMax in the end, I decided that is so much easier for me. I also did the rocks in 5 large and 5 small separate meshes, that all share one material, instead of one large rock. The crystals is also 5 variations duplicated, the wood 3 planks and one large beam, the chain is only two links, i tried my best to save texture sheets.

I plan to add a portal within the gate and to improve or change the leaves, for now I'm going to start planning for my Final Major Project.

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